Sound Therapy: What is it + How does it work?

01 . 15 . 20

Our bodies are made of energy, vibration + light.

On a scientific level, these three things are fused in the form of cells and our cells operate at different frequencies. Daily, our frequency is affected by surrounding environments.

When you spend 2 hours in rush hour traffic hearing squeaky brakes, horns being blown, and the constant construction on I-440, do you find yourself getting a little frustrated and anxious to get away from the situation? That could be because the sounds are affecting your body, lowering your frequency to match the energy in your current environment. A super drag, if you ask me. Have you ever noticed how you can be stressed or anxious about something, but once you turn on some Mozart or Jhené Aiko everything becomes peaceful, even manageable, again? That’s the power of sound healing raising your frequency to alleviate the possible pain and illness you’re carrying in your body.

Ok, the first few questions that might surface are, “What does illness have to do with frequency? How does this work + what does it do for me?” so let’s break it down.

What’s the correlation with illness + frequency?

I won’t crowd your mental with all the frequency data so I’ll just mention a few important facts:

  • 62-72 MHz : A “healthy” body frequency
  • 57-60 MHz + below: Colds and Flu start
  • 58 MHz: Immune system becomes more susceptible to disease
  • 45 MHz: Cancer starts to grow
  • And, at 25 MHz: death begins

After finding out those facts, I began to practice raising my frequency for my mental health and to stay physically healthy.

How does it work?

Sound therapy, also known as sound healing, is the use of certain aspects of music to help relax your mind + body and simulate healing. The practice involves using vibrations of the human voice as well as objects that resonate, such as tuning forks, drums, gongs and my favorite, singing bowls.

Healing with sound is believed to date back to ancient Greece, when music was used to aid in curing mental disorders. In more recent years, research has linked music to a number of health benefits like increasing immune system performance, lowering stress levels + improving the health of cancer patients.

A session of sound therapy (also referred to as a Sound Bath) may involve sitting or lying down while listening to musical sounds or having vibrations applied to your body using a special tool, such as a tuning fork. You may be encouraged to participate by singing, moving, or playing a musical instrument. In sessions where singing bowls are used, participants are asked to remain still and quiet to let the sounds take effect.

What does it do for me?

Most of the benefits of sound healing can be experienced immediately after a session. Sound healing is used to treat symptoms of numerous conditions, including:

  • anxiety + depression
  • PTSD
  • dementia
  • learning difficulties + autism
  • behavioral + psychiatric disorders
  • cancer

Some of the supposed benefits of sound healing include:

  • lowers stress
  • decreases anger + mood swings
  • lowers blood pressure + cholesterol
  • pain management
  • improves sleep + lowers fatigue
  • risk for stroke

My instrument of choice to practice sound healing is singing bowls. I have a set at home that I use or I watch YouTube and meditate to Sound Bath videos healers have posted.

Singing bowl therapy dates back centuries and has been used for meditation and rituals in different cultures. There are two types of singing bowls: Tibetan + crystal.  Tibetan bowls are made of 5 metals and produce a deep, penetrating sound that’s used to relax and repair the mind.

Crystal singing bowls are a bit more complex. These bowls can be made of different crystals and stones and usually the material they are made of has its own benefits so the intent of the experience can be enhanced.

 Try out some Sound therapy by joining me for a sound bath and see how it works for you…


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